Ember's Shadows

The Moodier Side of the World Around Us -- Art, Music, Poetry, Interesting People & Places, Reflections, Connections, Isolation, Anxiety, Expanses, and Infinity.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Today's playlist spawns from procrastination:

The New Order website -- They play four songs from the new album, and it will loop endlessly if you keep the page open. Sometime soon I need to go record shopping and pick up this album..

New Order -- Waiting For The Siren's Call

I realize that these blogs are not being updated all that often. This will likely be the state of things until the summer -- work is keeping me very busy, and it will only get worse over the coming months. After that, however, I will have such a backlog to post that these blogs should become quite entertaining for a while. Hang in there.

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Monday, February 12, 2007

Music To Grade By

Blur, for some reason, makes a great soundtrack for grading exams. Here is today's playlist:

Blur -- leisure.
Blur -- eponymous
Blur -- the best of

(I guess that means I have a lot of exams to grade..)

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Sometimes The Beat Just Grabs You

Time To Pull Out My Bass:
The English Beat -- I Just Can't Stop It
Pixies -- Doolittle
Nuggets -- Vol. 6 - Punk, part 2

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Rock-A-Bye Baby

We've seen all kinds of innovative housing ideas during the 20th century: geodesic domes, prefabricated housing, mobile homes, etc. But this one, I think, captures the imagination like no other: "Free Spirit Spheres." Just open the link and look at the picture, and you'll understand. I don't see this concept replacing standard family homes, but they would make for an amazing alternative to traditional vacation cabins. I can see a whole campsite full of these -- you hike for 2-3 days up a mountain and down into a valley, and finally, as you wind your way along a steep slope, you look up and see it: a spherical village in the sky. I would go. Check it out here.


Saturday, February 03, 2007

Anything Can Happen In Hollywood

" 'You could see in his eyes he was exploding beneath the mask,' Sapir said Friday. 'He yelled at me, 'Nobody tells this wookiee what to do!' ' "

The Los Angeles Times reports on Chewbacca attacking a tour guide outside of Grauman's Chinese Theatre. My favorite part of this news article is the slide show of completely unrelated pictures of various people in Chewbacca costumes. You might expect this from a tabloid or some other cheap broadside paper, but the L.A. Times? It was just too funny not to post.

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