Ember's Shadows

The Moodier Side of the World Around Us -- Art, Music, Poetry, Interesting People & Places, Reflections, Connections, Isolation, Anxiety, Expanses, and Infinity.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Green Eggs and Dylan

It's the perfect combination -- Bob Dylan and classic Dr. Seuss stories. It'll make you laugh on multiple levels, and then will make you want to pull out both your old Dylan records and your childhood books. What can be better than that?

Listen to someone pretending to be Dylan recite Dr. Seuss stories set to Dylan-esque music here (you might need to open it with a Netscape or Firefox browser, as IE cannot always play it -- all you will hear is a track that emulates the wonderful crackling sound of an old vinyl record playing "silence") (Track #2 -- Green Eggs & Ham is my favorite)

(and thanks to Ghost in the Machine for the link)



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