Ember's Shadows

The Moodier Side of the World Around Us -- Art, Music, Poetry, Interesting People & Places, Reflections, Connections, Isolation, Anxiety, Expanses, and Infinity.

Friday, May 11, 2007

And The World Is A Little Darker

"i suppose it was the interview with clint boon that started it all off hed asked me for a few words on perry farrells satellite party single dogstar [which he thought was great] so i went on and lo and behold mentioned the N>O> split so i suppose because it was me sayin it it was out at last. im relieved really hated carryin on as normal with an awful secret so lets move on shall we? played the openin of rios in leeds on friday great crowd and considerin theyd been through 5 local bands already had an amazin resilience/ some kid came up and gave me a hug and said "sorry to hear about new order hooky" i was really touched its like your budgie dyin!"

Peter Hook confirms that New Order broke up on his Myspace blog. You can listen to the radio interview that he mentions here (The interview is pretty funny. My favorite part is when he says the project came together when two different Welsh musicians "bumped into each other surfing in Santa Monica, as you do."). You can listen to the song Peter Hook plays on here (it's the first track: Wish Upon A Dog Star).

Thanks to the website NewOrderOnline for letting us all know about the post and the interview.

Today's playlist, then, will be a tribute (dirge?) for one of my favorite bands:

on CD:
Power, Corruption & Lies
(the best of) New Order

on tape:
Substance 1987
(and more -- I just can't find them right now)

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